I design
nice stuff
stuff like logos and
Websites and that.
I am a freelance multidisciplinary designer with almost two decades of experience.
Over the years I have worked with some of the biggest advertising agencies, publishers and broadcasters in the world, as well as with more boutique clients and individuals.
Primarily digitally focussed I also really enjoy logo creation so a creative challenge is not something I would shy away from either.
I live by the sea in East Sussex but am available for work in London and beyond. But we can all work remotely, can't we? I mean we've all got the internet. You used the internet to find this website, I reckon.
selected projects

other stuff
I like to keep myself busy with nonsense like photoshopping pints of Guinness into famous historical scenes, or making merchandise adorned with the logos of long-since closed down businesses from my small home town in the west of Ireland. Or even moonlighting as the creative director of the largest overseas Cercle Brugge supporters group in the world.
You know, normal stuff.

selected client list